I haven't had a whole lot of stamping time here lately, so I'm pulling out an oldie to post today. I made this Halloween tag exactly a year ago for an online class assignment. I share it today not just because I have nothing else ready to show, but also because in a slightly roundabout way, this project helped kick off this whole blog. Let me explain. The class was called "Creativity: A Daily Dose" by Gretchen Schmidt, and it was through
bigpicturescrapbooking.com. Each day during September, we were given a papercrafting project assignment and a photography assignment. Honestly, when I signed up for the class, I was wondering if I was completely out of my mind. I couldn't imagine finding time to make something every day. To my surprise, though, I quickly became addicted to the "create daily" mindset, and when the class was over, I knew I wanted to keep up the pace. I started the blog a couple of weeks later. The blog was not well thought-out, I just did it one night on a whim, thinking it would keep me accountable, even just with my expected audience of four (me included - LOL!) What a ride it's been since! I thank each one of you who stops by and those of you who leave such encouraging comments. It means so much!! You are the best!!
The pocket on this tag is created out of a standard office-supply page protector and hand-sewn together using orange embroidery floss. The strips of paper in the pocket are intended for journaling. I embellished with some Halloween stickers (not sure who makes these) and some white ghost ribbon that I got a year ago through a
Really Reasonable Ribbon subscription (again, not sure who makes this ribbon). The patterned paper is from a retired, two-year-old Stampin' Up pack called Fright Night (I think?).
[Updated to add: I happened to find this very ribbon at my local stamp store yesterday! It's made by May Arts. Also, huntla1 asked about the finished size, since I had mentioned using a page protector for the pocket. I should have been more clear - the pocket only uses part of the page protector. The finished size of the whole tag is 3" x 6". For the pocket, I just cut a 3" x 4" rectangle out of the corner of a page protector.]Have a wonderful day!
oh, this is too cute!
It may have been last year, but it is oh so relevant now. I love your little ghost ribbon! How big is this? Page protector makes me think really big. And does the Happy Halloween extend beyond the pocket? Just curious.
Cute as can be!
Amy, I am so glad you started your blog otherwise I would never have known you and you would not be my friend!!
This tag is marvelous. Congratulations on coming up to your one year blog anniversary. Joan
Adorable tag, Amy! When I first started reading this post and about your class and creating everyday I thought "what do you mean you can't create everyday. . .you already do"! Then I finished reading! LOL Well, I'm glad you took the class because I LOVE seeing your creations everyday!
This tag is gorgeous! I really wish I had purchased those dps too. Those are some of my all-time favorite SU! dps.
Very inspiring little tag, Miss Amy!
Adorable card!
Great tag! I love the little ghosts and stitching. This is just way too cute!
This is totally cute!!! Love it!!
i've given you an award, sweetie!....please check it out here:
Hi Amy,
I remember when you brought your "28 Days" projects to show me and they were all so fabulous! And I can't believe that a year later, you are STILL creating every day! Thanks to you I was introduced to Big Picture Scrapbooking and I have taken some classes and they have changed my whole outlook on scrapping and creating and being happy about it! So thank you for that!
You are an amazing woman!
You are so very talented and I am so glad you started this blog! I love stopping by for inspiration and you have inspired me to create my own blog. I, too, have caught the "create everyday" bug and hope to keep it going! Congrats on your 1 year! And this halloween tag is adorable!
Amy... You have such great ideas, you are very inspiring, talented, and have a GREAT blog I always enjoy visiting!! Thanks for sharing... Michelle :)
I am glad you started your own blog after that because you have been such a source of inspiration for me. I am so amazed as well that you made that a year ago and still have it!
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