Would you believe not a single person correctly identified this photo as Vaseline smeared by my 17-month-old all over the top of my baby grand? Has no one else experienced the joys of toddler boys?! LOL!
No worries, though, we still have a winner, of course. Eight people guessed painting of some sort, one even guessed "finger painting." Close enough! I drew a random winner from those eight for the card and some goodies. Congratulations go to Jami Bova (sgtstamper) - woohoo, girlfriend! Email me with your address so I can get your prize sent out. Laura Fredrickson (scrapnextras) gets an honorable mention for creativity. She said:
I definitely know what the photo is. It's an alien nest. How I know I can't tell. Top secret. I would suggest you quickly destroy that picture if you know what's good for you.
This was fun - we should do it again sometime!
The fact that there was a jar of Vaseline on my piano is totally random. I photograph my cards on the piano, and the Vaseline jar just happens to be a good-size object to prop my projects against without it being seen in the photo. I'm just glad Gabriel didn't try to eat the Vaseline! The fact that I found him on top of the piano was a surprise - he's never done that before. However, while I was cleaning the piano, I looked over to find him sitting in the middle of the dining room table! He's acquired a new skillset, I see. Fortunately, he has a distinct babble that I've come to recognize as "I'm into mischief, Mom. Better come quick!"
Here's the shot I cropped the mystery photo from:

Isn't this handprint adorable?

I had phtoographed a bunch of RAKs earlier in the day, so there was a lot of stuff still lying on the piano. Thankfully, none of the cards was ruined. That big blob is on a piece of foamcore that I use when I need a white background for my photo.

The source of it all:

And "the villain" (shot taken on a different day, playing with big brother and the water hose):

And last, this is exactly why everything seems so much harder to juggle than it was this time last year. I'd forgotten how much work toddlers are!
Thanks to everyone who played!
Wow!! That was a hard one!! But very good!! :P What a cute lil boy!! :)
Oh my, my Amy! This takes me back to the "playing with mommy's lipstick" days.......it will all be a great story years later!! Actually it's a good one right now!! Smiles and {{hugs}} to you!!
Oh Amy, what an adorable story! Before you know it he'll be grown, thankfully he's leaving you with wonderful memories (smile) daily!
--Big Hugs Becca
Oh, Amy, what a fun post (although I'm sure it wasn't fun cleaning all that Vaseline!!) & WHAT a cutie he is!!!! I wanted to guess what the picture was, but couldn't come up with ANYTHING! Alien nest is good, wish I'd thought of it. Thanks for the laugh :)
too funny- kids...gotta love them huh...
hahaha, gotta love Laura!
Oh my gosh, I feel so bad for you, VAseline is greasy and NOT easy to clean up! I would never have guessed what it was, though - I was among the people who thought it was water going through a creek at night or something like that. I just had to satisfy my curiosity and come back to know what it really was!
I gotta say, if your toddler looks at you with the smile he has in the last picture, it must be hard to stay mad!
I thought it was choclate frosting!! lol! He is so totally cute and adorable. Brings tears to my eyes remembering my son so little!
How exciting I won...even if I didn't get it right! I would've been completely floored if someone would've guessed THAT! I had a similar incident with my son at that age, and a bottle of baby powder! It's a fond memory!
big hugs, Jami
LOL! he looks so adorable... but sorry about the vaseline all over your piano
I think he is adorable, vaseline and all!
Oh my goodness...you deserve the prize. But looking at that face, I think you got it. :D
that is so funny! Totally fooled me :) What a little explorer.
oh amy! i am sorry but just too funny! i feel i can laugh only because i am going through the same pain since our kids are so close in age - OMG i obviously forgot how exhausting toddlers are!!!! pez not only climbs but is a total daredevil so she climbs and jumps off things. she is currently working on mastering flips off the couch - some days i am not sure i will survive this one but boy dontcha just LOVE 'em!?!?!?! Gabe is such a cutie patootie!!!!!we need to get them together to play!
LOL! I am def. feeling you pains of having another toddler. LOL! I have a 5 year old and a one year. The baby girls comes up with things the oldest one NEVER would have even thought of. LOL!
Sorry that you have to clean the mess...but I'm sure that the smile on his face once he showed you his "accomplishment" was priceless. TFS! P.S. I was sure it was frosting...or maybe I just wanted some choc. Frosting. LOL!
How could you get mad at a face like that???? He's adorable..but then again I don't have a toddler anymore!!
I shouldn't be laughing but I can't help it because it brings back memories of my DD at the age of 2 smearing a bottle of baby lotion all over a dressing table and bench (complete with tapestry cushion) and then followed that up (yep, same day) by emptying a container of baby powder in a guest's suitcase full of clothing. Yes, she too lived! and today is probably going to read this herself and laugh since she also subscribes to your blog (aka stampmonkey). Your son is precious and will undoubtedly have many other "precious memories" for you ;-)
Great post, Amy! What an adorable villian Gabriel has become too :)
I hope you did not clean up the hand print...too cute. If you did clean it up, I am glad you took a picture of it at least. I am always sad when the lady who helps me clean my house cleans the handprints off my windows and tv screen :)
Omigosh, that's one adorable child!!
And an artist, too! How wonderful ... just you wait'll he discovers markers! Talk about creativity!
The RAK's are all gorgeous. Totally random Q...how do you put names over the pictures like a watermark.
LOL! Ya gotta love him!!
Oh my gosh, Amy, what a great story!!!! What a cutie!
Yeah, these can be tough things to clean up, but priceless memories!! God bless that little darlin'!
Wow! What a story!! I am interested to know what you did to get it off, as my piano sometimes gets "stuff" on it that shouldn't be there (and I have no toddlers! lol).
OMG - Amy - this is way to funny!!! I would have never ever guessed that...he,he,he!!!
I thought Laura's comment was hilarious too!!! Oh my goodness -your son is totally cute too!!!
Oh boy, that brings back some memories...toddler boys, gotta love 'em! Good thing he's such a cutie patootie, huh?! :) Someday he is gonna love that you took pictures of all of it. I've done the same with some of my kids "adventures", and love to bring them out when their friends are over...sweet revenge. Laura's answer made me LOL! :)
I got a good laugh about this story -- sorry, reliving some of my days with my son when he was small! I should have guessed!! Glad nothing was seriously damaged and at least the vaseline was on TOP of the piano and not ON the keys!! Love Laura's comment too - I've had two laughs to start my day - thanks :)
On another note, I have not been getting your subscribed blog entries for a few days now...? It wasn't until my DD asked what the picture was that it dawned on me that I hadn't seen a post from you for some time. Don't know if this is happening to anyone else, but I miss yours, that's for sure!! I just love the overalls and the cat card. Will keep an eye out on this end and resubscribe if I have to.
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