As I sit here scratching my head trying to sort out my feelings of amazement, confoundment, and delight, the single emotion that rises to the top is one of gratitude. Gratitude for this God-given talent that I can enjoy and share with others. And gratitude that so many of you choose to stop by here on a regular basis. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! I appreciate each and every visitor and am grateful for every single comment. You have given me a level of encouragement and confidence I never expected. I feel truly blessed to be part of this amazing community of stampers who love what they do and so freely share their creativity! It is humbling to consider that just as I have learned from and been inspired by so many others, in some small way I too can inspire in return.
I don't want to get too mushy on you, so let's get on to the celebration: Thanks to the amazing generosity of the owners of the companies I am lucky enough to design for, I've put together some B-I-G blog candy. One lucky winner will receive THREE stamp sets -- Father Figure by Verve Visual, Fruit of the Spirit from Our Daily Bread Designs, and Wild Birthday Wishes by H&M Stamps -- plus an assortment of Ranger distress embossing powders from Pez-A-Doodle Designs. [A quick word about Pez-A-Doodle Designs. It's run by a local friend of mine, Marti, who has her hand in all kinds of different crafty ventures, including Studio G stamps, Hampton Art stamps, and Ranger products. She's coming out with three of her own stamp lines very soon, too!] Thank you Julee, Kelley, Heather, and Marti!! Aren't they the BEST?!
How to win?! Just leave a comment on this post telling me either your favorite contemporary author or favorite current written work (fiction or non-fiction). Not much of a reader? How about a favorite magazine? A non-stamping blog you like to read? I will close comments on Wednesday, May 28 at noon EST, and randomly choose a winner shortly after that! Good luck!

Thank you for stopping by! I'm headed out of town this morning for some holiday R&R with the grandparents. Have a happy and safe holiday! 'See' you again on Tuesday.
1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»Wow, congrats in the 100K hits! That's amazing! I've got blog candy on my new blog, but I'm trying to get up to 1,000 hits so it's not quite the offer you have here!
I haven't had time to crack open a book since I signed up as a new SU! Demo about 3 weeks ago, and I'm waaaayyy behind on my scrapping, birding, Martha, and Nat'l Geographic mags, but one of my favorite non-stamping blogs is Pioneer Woman at
Have a great weekend!
Congratulations on the success of your blog! One of my favorite contemporary writers is Jodi Picoult. She deals with a lot of issues-of-the-day.
I loved the Glass Castle and the Kite Runner. Both are a great read. Congratulations on such a successful website and stampin business. Thanks for sharing your inspiration.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Hi Amy, congrats on the hits!! I am so grateful that you share your talent with all of us :) Ok, the book...I was reading about Eckhart Tolle in Oprah's mag this month and bought his first book, The Power of Now, at Costco yesterday. His newest book is A New Earth, but I'm going to read Power first...all about living in the momeent which is how I feel when I make cards and scrapbook! Have a great, wonderful day...
Maureen from Canada
Amazing blog candy! I just read this great book for my book group. It is Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. There were some parts in it that were a little risque, don't know what level you are comfortable with, but I thought the book in whole was good. Otherwise, my favorite current author would be Maeve Binchy. I love her books!
Congrats on 100,000!! That's fabulous!! If you like Pride & Prejudice, I recommend Darcy & Elizabeth: Nights and Days at Pemberley (Pride & Prejudice Continues) by Linda Berdoll. Along adventure lines, two of my favorites by Jon Krakauer are Into Thin Air and Into the Wild. Thanks for the blog candy offer!
Hi Amy, congrats on hitting 100K! Wow... I'm very impressed! :)
I have to second some of the suggestions other people left. Kite Runner, Glass Castle, and My Sister's Keeper (Jodi Picoult) are all fantastic. I also REALLY enjoyed Eat Pray Love. Ohhh it's so hard to choose a favorite book. I love almost everything I read... each is so different and so good! Enjoy your reading opportunities! It's such a great indulgence! Ranks right up there with stamping, huh? :)
My favorite thing to do is to listen to a book on cd while I stamp! I get books on cd from the library and have listened to Sue Grafton's series, the last of which is T is for Trespass, now I'm waiting for her to publish U is for? Right now I have Jame's Patterson's Lifeguard in my cd player.
Thanks so much for posting your art. I look forward to checking your blog every day!
You rock! I am really into Christian Fiction so Lori Wick is a hoot and I just read a book called splitting Harriet that was great. Oh for a non Christain book, I also just read James Patterson's new book and that was great. Oh and the Diplomats Wife was also a good book. As you can see, I am an avid reader.
It's a good life!
Terri E.
Wow, what fun candy. Congrats on all of your hits!
Terrific deserve all the adulation...your cards are terrific! It is a rare treat when I get to read (thanks to children who love to interrupt!) but I have been buying books on tape. I am listening to Bill Moyers' lectures on democracy and I always keep up with my Atlantic Monthly and Vanity Fair! Cheers!
Congrats on the hits. Not to surprising as you have amazing talent and a great blog.
I just had a baby, so I'm not getting much time to read, or stamp right now, but I read a lot of murder mystery fiction. How to choose just one--James Patterson,Patricia Cornwell, Tami Hoag, and many more.
Michelle T
Hi Amy,
your blog is terrific and I enjoy poping in from time to time, 4kids makes it hard to find free time. lol. I really enjoy reading Barbara Erskine. My favorite by her is Lady Of Hay. Terrific book. I hope she writes something new soon, it has been awhile.
I hope you find a small moment to check out my blog too. It's fairly new and I am mostly unknown but I strive towards great things.
that's a tough one - I LOVE to read so picking just one favorite....I recently finished Q is for Quarry by Sue Grafton - and now I'm on a mission to read the other books she has in this series. I think it's quite "old" and she's probably finished the entire alphabet by now, but that's okay as a good book never goes out of style. I also enjoy Judith McNaught, Sandra Brown and Debbie MacComber.
Congrats on your blog hits!!
WOW...100,000!!! Congrats!!Thanks for the inspiration!
I love Jeffery Deaver and I read every one of his books!
My favorite author right now is Karen Kingsbury. Every book of hers makes me cry - I have never experienced such touching stories that move me like hers do. I am on the 10th book "Ocean's Apart" and can't put it down. (except to check a few blogs now and then) SMILE.
WOW! That's a big number! FAvorite author? I have a ton but a couple would be Leslie Caine, Karen Kingsbury, and Fern Michaels(her new series of the sisterhood).
Congrats on your tremendous amount of hits! Woot!! I love reading fairytale retellings, and I love Shannon Hale! :) Thank you so much for the chance.
I read in spurts, and love J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. I keep rereading them!
My fav non-stamping blogs are color, photo or needlework-related. Check out Kris' Color Stripes ( if you're ever stumped for colors to use ... or Laura Perin, my fav needlepoint designer, at
AMY: You are too generous!!! I love to read...My favorite book is "The Kite Runner"...I just love that book. A more current read that I am wild about is "Love Walked In". It was not at all what I expected and it is very interesting and joyous and surprising. (All the things I love in a book!) The author of the current favorite book is: Marisa De Los Santos. Read it. You will love it.
Big congrats to you ... Since most of my reading is usually on trips or via audiobook at the gym, I love mystery/forensic series with ongoing characters like Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum or Jonathan Kellerman's Alex Delaware.
My favorite book is "The Swan House" by Elizabeth Musser. I have really enjoyed all of her books so far, but this one is my all-time favorite book by anyone.
Congrats on hitting 100,000! That's huge! My current favorite "took my breath away" book is Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I've enjoyed each of his books, but they're never easy reads. For a less time-consuming favorite, you should check out The Princess Bride by William Goldman.
Congrats on your 100,000 blog. One of my favourite authors is Lori Wick. Thanks for the chance.
Wow! Congrats on so many hits, not surprising though as awesome as your blog is!! I don't really have a favorite author, unless you count my daughter, who wants to be one!! But my favorite book is definitely Life of Pi. It's aweseome. OK, have a great weekend!! Jackie
My favorite author is Jude Deveraux. I don't exactly remember how I stumbled on to her, but I have all of her books. Well, at least I think I do!
Thanks for the wonderful opportunity and thank you to your awesome friends who make it possible as well.
I truly love checking in on you each night, and thank you for the inspiration!
my favorite mysteries are the stephanie plum novels by Janet Evanovich
congrats on your hits!!!! my latest favorite read is "Night" by Ellie Wiesel. it is about surviving a concentration camp under hitler. true stroy...very captivating!
as far as blog reading....i read so many stamping blogs, i never even considered looking for another type! LOL!
Wow Amy! Congrats on all those hits girl! :D And thanks so much for the fantastic blog candy! I too am overwhelmed by this amazing hobby! I have made so many friends through it! :D
Now, I am a big reader. I could sit and read a book all day if I wanted to! Haha! Currently, I am reading a series (and they have been the best books I've ever read) by Francine Rivers called the Mark of the Lion. I am on book #3 which is called "As Sure as the Dawn". I am not kidding when I say that you NEED to read these if you haven't! They are truly amazing!
Thanks again!
Congratulations on your blog hits. I love checking out your blog.
My favorite magazine--Oprah's. She always has great articles that help me put my life into perspective.
I actually have a few favorite authors, but I'd have to say my favorite is Janet Evanovich (especially her Stephanie Plum Series) because she makes me LOL and don't we all need to LOL a bit more often!! Love our blog and I thank you for sharing your creations with all of us.
Ohh, ohhh, ohhhh, how exciting! My favorite comtemporary author is Max Lucado - a christian author. He has a way with words!
Sandy Kay
Wow, congratulations on hitting your milestone! 100k hits is amazing. I'm a librarian and love hearing about favorite authors. I'll be checking these comments quite frequently to hear who everyone loves to read. Fun!
I have a million favorite authors but I really love the books by Lolly Winston, Jane Green and Jodi Picoult.
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
What a huge milestone for you! Thank you for sharing your creativity with us as we are truly blessed that you are willing to do so!
My favorite author is Jodi Picoult, but if I could only read one book for the rest of my life, it would have to be Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.
Many Blessings,
Congrats on the hits! I LOVE your blog and am excited to see every post. I love your style and you are so creative and inspiring. Thanks for taking the time to post for us. As for my favorite book at the moment, it's by Ben Stein (yes, the actor, economist, attourney) and it's called "The Real Stars - In Today's America, Who Are the True Heroes?" Have a great weekend!
hi! i've never left a comment before, and i just found your blog through a link from amy westerman. congrats on 100K hits, and i've really enjoyed reading all the comments about what to read. i agree with theresa that marisa de los santos is fantastic! she's a new author, and her second book is called belong to me, and it's just as good as the first!
i also enjoy reading children's literature, and jeanne birdsall has a delightful series going with these two books: the penderwicks and the penderwicks on gardam street. fantastic reads, both of them, and exciting, because the author started writing when she turned 40 and won the national book award for the first book with her first book!
can't wait to check out your creations! feel free to visit mine--the stamping community is fabulous and extremely generous!
Congrats! What an accomplishment -- it's time to bask in all of the appreciation from the rest of us for your tremendous talents! Without a doubt, my favorite book that both my husband and I recently read is a non-fiction book called THE LAST LECTURE by Randy Pausch. It's so popular right now that it may be hard to get, but it's definitely worth the effort AND it's a short read - about 4 hours. It will enhance your life beyond measure ;-)
Love your blog! It's so, so inspiring. Congrats on all the hits.
Geez, I got so excited about the blog candy that I forgot to post a comment about my favorite author! I love anything by Dean Koontz, James Patterson, and Richard North patterson, just to name a few.
Hi, Amy. I love visiting your blog for ideas and inspiration. You do fabulous work. If you read all these and get a chance to email me, I'd love to know how you got a start in designing for other companies. I'm not much of a reader other than scriptures and "how to" books. I love the Cards magazine but don't get them very often. I did read the H.P. series and loved each one.
Congrats Amy! I could do the suck up and say your blog is my absolute favorite ~ and it is one of are in the list I check daily! But I am a reader and I love Nora Roberts, Debbie Macomber and Fern Michaels. Just about any and all of their books!!
Again - Congrats and thanks for the inspiration!
Congratulations on your mile marker! I am currently listening to Alexander McCall Smith's series that starts with "The Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency". I just finished actually reading the third Lumby book by Gail Fraser - similar to Jan Karon's Mitford series, but set out near the Rockies. Be blessed.
Congratulations Amy! You so deserve this big celebration! Glad I could help out and be a part of it all. I LOVE the card you made today using Celebrate the Day and good ole uncle Sam Jr.!!! LOL...he is so super darn cute!
Congrats on your 100,000 hits. That's HUGE! I tend to read a lot of Fiction although I throw in a non-fiction book every couple of months. I am currently reading 7th Heaven by James Patterson and am enjoying it.
Congrats on 100K!!! Your blog is one of my favorites and I visit every day but -- and I hate to admit this -- I don't know if I've ever commented before. You have such great cards and I LOVE stopping by to see what you've come up with each day.
I don't really have a favorite author but I just read two books by Lisa Tucker (Cure for the Modern Life and Once Upon a Day) and they were WONDERFUL!!!!
wow! congrats on the number! its amazing! keep up the great work, i love everything you do!
I am not much of a reader, since I barely have enough time as it is, but I do like the magazine PRINT. I am a graphic design/illustration major with a degree in advertising already and its great for new concepts, ideas and inspirations!
Congrats on the success of your blog! I can see why, your creations are gorgeous. I know I check your blog everyday, thanks for sharing your talent with the rest of us. The best book I have read lately is called "A Tale of Two Sons" by John MacArthur. It is essentially a commentary on the parable of the prodigal son, and it is fantastic. I have a much deeper understanding of the parable. The book was a real blessing. God bless!
Congratulations on your 100000 hits!!!! I like this card you made...the scallops and the brads,and the way you put the ribbon through the centre piece. Right now I'm reading "World Without End" by Ken Follet. James Paterson is another favorite author. Joan
My two favs are Danielle Steele & LaVyrle Spencer. Also like Christian Fiction by Beverly Lewis & Janette Oake. Just finished Escape by Carolyn Jessop & now reading Stolen Innocence by Elissa Wall. My favorite non stamping blog is & them both out! Great reads!
Congratulations on your big milestone! Your question for the candy is an easy one -- I LOVE everything Anne Tyler writes. Some faves are "The Accidental Tourist", "Breathing Lessons", and "Ladder of Years." I read one of her novels for a college literature class many years ago, and have been a huge fan ever since.
My favorite authors are James Patterson and Nicolas Sparks. I don't suggest James Patterson at night. Not only will he scare the begebbers out of you but my adrenaline gets pumping so hard I can't sleep. Oh yeah, and Harlan Coben..also a great suspense writer. Awesome blog, awesome work, AWESOME CANDY!! Thanks!
Congrats girl!! Your blog rocks and we should be thanking you for all the inspiration!! My favorite author would have to be Stephen King, but not to long ago I read two books by Khaled Hosseini that were completely eye opening(KiteRunner and Thousand Splend Suns). Thanks for the chance to win!!
I love your blog Amy-you are so talented-thank you for sharing with us. I stop by everyday! I don't read as much as I used to-surf the net and read scrapbooking magazines instead. My favorite author at present is Jodi Picault. I enjoyed Greg Isles last summer.
Have a great day.
Wow Amy! That's fantastic! You are such an inspiration and I LOVE to visit you daily! I'm always in awe of your work! Beautiful!
I don't get much time to read for me as in my quiet time I like to stamp. I do however read with Chloe(my 8 year old) and we are currently ready Tales of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo. It's a great adventure and a little bit of suspension book.
Your card is fabulous! I love how you scalloped the bottom of your sentiment!
Hope you are enjoying your holiday weekend!
hmm three different ends of the spectrum for my favourite current reads.... george orwell 1984 a stonker of a classic.... vulcan 607 the stroy fot he falklands war according to the v force pilots.... and lipstick jungle by candance bushnell, which reflects so much of all the things i loved about sex and the city!
Congratulations! Your blog is an inspiration :)
I think I have too many favorite authors to name. I love reading Carl Hiaasen, Janet Evanovich, and PJ Parrish. I love to read Roald Dahl, Kate DiCamillo, and Jane DuPrau to my class of fifth graders. My favorite non-fiction writer is Jon Krakauer.
My favorite read is.. . She is an inspiration and has such wonderful stories and photos. If you have time be sure to check it out. Congrats on getting where you are today.
Wow, well I love to read but choosing a favorite is hard. Here are a few I have read lately.
The Candy Shop War (I try to stay up with what my older kids read too) by Brandon Mull, My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult, and I've read and enjoyed most of Dan Brown's books.
Congrates on so many hits on your blog! It is wonderful and you are so talented. Love visiting :)
Amy, you are so generous! Congratulations on exceeding 100k hits :) I love visiting everyday to see what fantastic thing you've created!
I'm finishing up nursing school right now and look forward to the day when I'll have time to read something just for the fun of it again. I do love to look through Martha Steward and various home improvement magazines though.
Wow, I love your cards! Have just recently found your page and love visitng everyday! James Patterson is my favorite author but I have been reading a series called Hot Flash Club by Nancy Thayer and it's so funny and real for those of us over 50!
Congrats on 100K! That's awesome. You do great work! I'm not much of a reader, but I absoutely love the book "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. My son "had" cancer and is now in remisssion, but I read this in the hospital just a few months ago. I would recommend this, it is very uplifting and easy to read.
Thanks for the chance to win your great blog candy!
Congratulations! I know a lot of those hits were me, lol! I love to read, don't always have the time though. When I do I like to read Joyce Meyer. Her books are so inspirational to me. Thanks for the chance to win.
Congrats on your blog success! One of my favorite books is East of Eden by James Steinbeck.
Wow! Congratulations! You have been given a gift. You're so talented. Thanks for sharing it with us. I've just discovered a Christian author that I love, which is unusual for me. Christian fiction has bored me in the past. This one is Dee Hendersen and the series is the O'Malley Chronicles. Such fun.
Big congratulations, Amy! I subscribe to your blog and look forward to seeing your next wonderful creation. My favorite author is Diana Gabaldon. Her books are a continuing saga of historical romance. I've read and listened to them all. I'm going to copy down all the authors mentioned in your comments. That was a great idea!
Congrats on your blogging milestone! I enjoy your blog and look forward to new posts and beautiful new cards. I have three young boys and very little time to read lately, between the newspaper, a few blogs and some crafting I'm outta time!
Thank you for being so generous with your time and talent! Karen U
Congratulations! I love your blog. What a great candy give-away. I enjoy reading "The Week" it has everything that has happened around the world in the last week.
Keep those great cards coming.
Amy- Congrats! I love your blog and enjoy all the eye candy you share with us on it! My favorite books I have recently read are THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL by Phillipa Gregory (haven't seen the movie yet) and THE LAST LECTURE by Randy Pausch. It is a tear jerker but so inspiring...recommend it to EVERYONE young and 10 year old son and I are reading chapters of it together now.
Lisa in Texas
Way to go!!! Your blog is so great and it's easy to see why you have so many hits and visitors - I love checking it! And it's a toss up on my fav book - I've just read Water for Elephants (really good) and The Secret Life of Bees (loved it too)
Congrats! You definitely deserve the recognition of people, as demonstrated by just how many visit your blog! Thanks so much for sharing your talent with the rest of us!
Hmmmm... a favorite book. I just read _Urban Shaman_ by C.E. Murphy and really enjoyed it. I also love _Middlesex_. So many books! I'm a huge fan of urban or dark fantasy. I also like Kathy Reichs' mysteries. I'm a total bookworm!
Congratulations! I love to visit and see what you've done!
My favorite authors right now (I tend to go in spurts!) are Orson Scott Card (esp the Women of the Bible series) and Anne McCaffrey (esp the Petaybee series).
Have a great weekend!
Your blog is so great! I can't imagine how you constantly come up with these great card ideas!
Love to read.
here are a few authors I like to read:
Phillipa Gregory
Marian Keyes
Jennifer Weiner
thank you for the awesome prize!
Congrats on your hits! Awesome bog and inspiration.
My favorite blog since we go to Jamaica every year is
Congratulations on such a wonderful blog. It is always worth looking in on your latest project. Your work is great.
As far as reading......I do very little. If I buy a magazine, it is usually a craft mag of some sort. My favorite books these days are cook books and I have many.
Okay - I have to go with my favorite non stamping blog. I love Confessions of a Pioneer Woman. Much like you, she started her blog on a whim one day and too her amazement, she has about a zillion visitors daily now. I believe she's only been blogging for about two years too. She also takes some amazing photographs of her family ranch - which is a big portion of why I love to visit too.
It sure would be fun to win that blog candy!
-Alissa Hall
I stumbled across your blog last week and have really enjoyed checking in on you each day :)Thanks for taking time to share your wonderful creations with us all (and for the blog candy too.)
I have a hard time picking a favorite because I LOVE to read...probably as much as I LOVE stamping. But, I will go with Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers tied with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Quite a contrast I know ;) Have a great day!
WOW! Congratulations on 100K---that's so cool! Your gift is SUPER generous! I love the Harry Potter series...I mourned for weeks after the last one, but I'm also a Pride & Prejudice fan. My daughter read it in 6th grade and actually convinced me to read it because she loved it so much.....I was soooo glad she did. Thanks for the chance!
Oh my, Congratulations! Thats a wonderful milestone! My favorite author changes with every book I read as I love to read! However right now I am enjoying Joyce Meyers. She is one smart and blessed woman of God :)
Wow! thats amazing! 100 thou?
Whoo HOO! I love to read.. I kind of go in spurts.. I'll read several books then not for a couple of months. I just started reading the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyers last week. I am now on book 3 and can hardly wait for book 4 to be released in August.
Congrats to you! Wow, that is so awesome. Well, I do love to read, and there are so many good authors, so I am just going to tell you my favorite book is "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. Was very good.
Thanks Amy!
Hi Amy! I adore your blog and check in daily. My second favorite hobby (scrapping is my first, obviously!) is reading! My favorite authors are Meg Cabot and Jennifer Weiner. I've read everything those two have written.
Good for you! I'm so glad you are growing in your passion. I, too, find great joy in my stamping. It's both relaxing and satisfying. When I'm not stamping, I do love to read. My Mom is the best. She buys all the new suspense detective releases and then passes them on to me. I love Sanford and Cornwell but Patterson and probably my favorite.
Hi Amy,
thanks for your great blog and sharing your creations.
I highly recommend this non-crafty blog, it is full of honest but really edifying stuff and there is a regular poetry Monday, so at least I get some reading done!
Thanks again :)Jenink
Congrats Amy! Your blog is truly wonderful! I enjoy reading and swing between a good action novel and military biographies. I don't have a favorite author, any good book will do! :)
Congrats on the 100k hits! The last book I read was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Before the Harry Potter series, I also read the Lord of the Rings series starting with The Hobbit. They were actually really good! I need to get into reading again, I really do like it!
Congrats on 100K! Not surprising, you do fabulous work, it's always a pleasure to drop by!
I love to escape in my preference lay in fantasy, historical and science fiction. I love Stephen King and I am patiently waiting for Robert Jordan to release the 12th book in his Wheel of Time series. The last book I read was Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. Fabulous read. Thanks for the awesome opportunity, and here's to the next 100K!
Big 100K + Congratulations!!!
I love to read but don't often find the time...however, I do love to cook and read cookbooks like they were novels. Currently reading through King Arthur's Whole Grain Baking and milling my own wheat...weird, huh?
Congratulations, Amy! An accomplish for sure, but you are a true blessing to all of us who visit your blog regularly! One of my favorite contemporary authors is Steve Brown of Key Life. I love Dangerous Freedom. I'm not into fiction these days. I also love Richard's Swenson's Margin. Looking forward to more wonderful inspirations from you! Thanks so much!!
Great job on the blog!! 100,000!!! WooHoo!!!
Don't read like I used to, but my all time favorite author is Barbara Taylor Bradford, and her book "A Woman of Substance" is my favorite. Have a great holiday!!
Congratulations. I'm an avid mystery reader and David Baldacci is my current fav.
Thanks for such a great giveaway! I have to admit that I haven't read for a month since I also (like your first commenter -- is that a word?!) just joined SU as a demo last month. Immediately before that I "inhaled" all the great books from Karen Kingsbury. I'm anxiously waiting for her next release the end of September! Jeanne
Thanks for the opportunity to win. My favorite magazine is Real Simple followed closely by Simple Scrapbooks. Love them both.
My favorite fiction author, who is also a christian author is Lori Wick. She's been a favorite of mine since her first series came out.
Your blog is very inspiring, so it's no wonder to me that you surpassed 100,000 hits. Congratulations.
Congrats on all the hits; I love coming to your blog to see what you have created. I read alot, always fiction, the genre changes with my mood. Recently I have been reading the In Death Series by J.D. Robb, the Saga of the Seven Suns by Kevin Anderson and a fantasy serier by Jim Bucher. Thanks for the chance to win some awesome blog candy. jmniffer
Congratulations on all the hits! There is only one reason for are extremely talented and your cards are beautiful! You also do an amazing job photographing your works. Makes it nice to come see your blog :)
One of my favorite authors is Mary Kay Andrews. She is so funny! Here is a link to the first book that I read of hers. It's not her first, but I think the funniest. Hope you enjoy her if you give her a try :)
I love a to try to figure out whodunits......right now am reading one by John Sanford in the Prey series.
Well first congrats!! That's great but not surprising with the great ideas you share!
My favorite author and in fact the only books I have read since I was about 18 in V C Andrews, although she passed away years ago they have had anuthors continue to write for her, they did a good job in the beggining but nto so well over the past few years. I have everybook and have read them 3-4 times each.
Congrats!! absolutely love your work and copy it often. I love all books by Beverly Lewis. She's a Christian author who writes about the Amish. Best series is Abram's Daughters. The first book in that series is entitled The Covenant. Great read!!
Congrats on all the hits and thank you for taking the time to write and make so many wonderful creations for us to get to enjoy and get inspiration from :)
Love reading Wilbur Smith books and though Mitchner is hard to get into at times I love learning about all the places he writes about.
Congrats on 100K hits on your blog.
My favorite books I like to read
are fiction by Nicholas Sparks..
His books are great. Barb T
Congratulations! Your blog is terrific and I enjoy all the inspirating projects. I always get some new idea (how to use a brad, a new way to tie ribbon, etc)at every visit!
I love historical fiction and my lastest reads are by Karleen Koen. She has three books set in England/France during the 18th century. They are written thru the eyes of a young woman named Barbara who's family is on the edges of the royal court. The first to be read is "Through the Glass Darkly". Lots of intrique and a very good book series!
Joanne L.
Congratulations!! Very well deserved.
As to my favorite author, I don't have just ONE, so as to suspense mystery I love Terri Blackstock, as to Romance, life I love Karen Kingsbury.
Thank you for the opportunity for such great prizes.
Congratulations! It's fun seeing the numbers go up. :o)
I don't read often, but I like some of Philippa Gregory's books... easy to read so that's a plus for me since my Enlgish is still not perfect...
Love the patriotic card... TFS!
Way to go Amy! You rock! I love your style of cards. I read a lot and like Janet Evanovich and Jonathan Kellerman's book. They have a series so it's fun to get the next one out.
Way to go! I read Harlin Cobin books. They are fast paced mysteries. Thanks for sharing!
Wow! I have checked out you blog every day for a very long time and have watched you evolve. You are a very talented lady! As far as reading, I have lots and lots of craft magazines that I like to look at over and over again! I wish you many more "hits"! Congrats!
Congrats! Your work is very inspiring! Thank you for sharing it with us.
I just received Dave Pelzer's trilogy series. I'm currently reading "A Child Called 'It.'
It doesn't surprise me that you surpassed 100k on the hits....I think your work is so amazing! Keep it coming!
My favorite authors are Brock and Bodie Thoene who write historical fiction in series. Great reads! My favorite series is the Shiloh Legacy.
Congratulations! I don't know how you do it as your work is so inspiring to me. mmmm, I'm reading 'Sleeping Beauty' by Phillip Margolin; I love anything he writes.
Your blog is great! I drop in regularly, but am terrible about leaving comments. I love to read anything by James Patterson (murder mysteries) or Nicholas Sparks (romance).
Congratulations Amy! This is absolutely NOT surprising, considering the beautiful creations you make!! (yeh, I'm a suck-up!)I have been reading Clive Cussler and for a wee bit lighter reading I love to skim through a Nora Roberts novel....Way to GO!!!
Holy Cow!!! So awesome, love this giveaway. thanks so much for sharing your celebration with us.
My favorite author is Danielle Steel. I have been reading her stuff since I was very young.
Congrats on all the hits..and thanks so much for the chance to win such an awesome give away!! My favorite author right now is Ted him.
Congrats on the milestone! Your creations are awesome so it's no surprise!!! I'm a random reader & only when I have time. James Patterson probably tops the list though but there are several other favorites. When I find someone I like-I read all of theirs that the library has!
Congratulations on your very successful blog. Though it is no surprise since you do such great work. Thank YOU!!
As for authors, there are so many that I love and am newly discovering since I am in a monthly bookclub. One of my all time favourites is Barbara Kingsolver. One that I just discovered is Shawna Singh Baldwin.
Congrats on 100k, wow!!
I'm currently reading a book by Dan Ariely called Predictably Irrational....all about behavioral economics. Couldn't be much further from my career as a graphic designer, but it's absolutely a fascinating study in why people do what they do!
Congrats on hitting this milestone!!! One of my current fav authors right now is Karen Kingsbury. Another one that I love is Barbara Kingsolver. Thanks for all the inspiration you provide for me and all your other readers!
Amy, I look forward to your posts and love your creativity. As for my favorite contemporary author, it's difficult to choose -- I have always loved anything by Francine Rivers, but last year I was made aware of a "new" author, Charles Martin. If you haven't read "When Crickets Cry" I would most definitely recommend it to all! What a way with words! Congrats on your BIG numbers! Pat
Thanks for all your inspiration - favorite author - Jan Karon - she inspires and gives pleasure too!
I don't read books very often (who has time with all these blogs to read lol?), but one of my favorite non-paper-crafting blogs is - she's a great photographer and hilarious!
Love your blog Amy! Thanks for the chance to win - all your hits are well deserved! I love to read but haven't had much time to do so lately. The last book I read and loved was "The Knitting Circle" by Ann Hood.
Congratulations on the hits!
My favorite author is Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Don't be afraid of the number of pages of his books, they are brilliant!
Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
I have been enjoying a series of historical novels by Phillipa Gregory - titles such as The Other Bolyn Girl. Congrats on your successful blog - I love your style and enjoy coming here daily!
Amy, I'm so happy for you! Too hard to name just one author or book.... I just re-read She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb, and enjoyed it once again.
It'll be fun to see what-all everyone has to say!
Congrats!!!! I love your blog and especially your ideas - thanks for sharing!
have just finished reading Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. Love her books - good Christian content.
Congratulations girl!! Woohooo---100,000 hits...awesome! You are worth every hit!!!
Sorry I havent been around to comment much---but I am looking when I can (now in full packing mode!) Just had to swing by to say congrats!
Wow, you are an amazing, talented artist! I love your's like gold...each wonderful creation! Thanks for the chance at a great blog candy giveaway! My favorite author right now is Laurie Graff (You Have to Kiss a Lot of Frogs). Congratulations on your blog milestone and keep up the fab work!
I am a sucker for anything James Patterson or Patricia Cornwell. I like books that are a series. I have a hard time letting go! Thanks for the chance.
Congrats on your 100,000 kits...thats AMAZING! Love your stuff...your provide so much inspiration! My fav author right now is Victoria Alexander and Julianne MacLean...they both write historical romance...I just can't seem to get enough! Thanks for the chance! {SMILES}
Congrats!!! I love some lite summer reading Carly Phillips.
I love Jan Karon and Beverly Lewis, both are so talented. Your blog is wonderful, congratulations.
Congrats on the hits but it doesn't surprise me you are so dang talented.
I like to read James Patterson's series of Alex Cross novels. Thanks for the continue inspiration.
Congrats on SOOO many hits to your blog! It's no're very talented!
My favorite author (currently -lol) is Joel Rosenberg. I'm reading "The Ezekiel Option" at the moment -- awesome series!...and apparently very relevant to today's world events.
Thanks for giving us the chance to win such incredibly yummy blog candy! You're very generous! ;)
Congrats on your hits! You sure know how to celebration with this awesome candy. I've been surfin your blog and WOW WOW WOW! I love your creative and inspiring artwork. I really be getting into mysteries by Janet Evanovich are the stephanie plum novels. Thanks for a chance.
Holy Smokes, 100,000 that is awesome. i hope to reach that someday. I have not read a BOOK in a long time. I do love to look over my CK mag and Simple Scrapbook mags but I guess my favorite is Paper Crafts.
I really enjoy checking out your creations Amy. Thanks for all of the inspirations. AND thanks for the totally awesome blog candy. WOWZA!
If there is anything that I love as much as books it is stamping. I love Mary Higgins Clark, Stephenie Meyer, Shannon Hale and Jane Austen. Go girl power!
Right now a series of books I am enjoying is by James Herriot. It is the British version, which has 8 volumes. You probably remember the Television series "All Creatures Great and Small".
Congrats on 100K and all your success! Your work is amazing - you really have a gift. My favorite author is Jhumpa Lahiri - she wrote a few books which are amazing. One is The Namesake which is quite well known. I love her voice - her stories speak to me. Thanks and wish for you continued success!
Congrats on the big 100,000. I've never visited before...I found a link from someone elses blog...I love all of your creations...
My fav non-stamping blog is
Oh what fun stuff you can find there...
Congrats on your hits. I haven't started a blog yet - probably because I'm constantly reading other people's blogs. I have lots of favorite authors - Nora Roberts, Katie MacAlister, Laurel K Hamilton are just a few.
Congrats on 100K! OMG, I LOVE to read and am always looking for a recommendation. My current favorite author is Jodi Picoult. Love her. Thanks. ~Julie
Congratulations on 100K hits! Your work is always amazing. It's been a long time since I've read a book for me...I always enjoy the latest issue of Paper Crafts and Scrapbooks Etc. I enjoy checking in on your blog and your talent.
Way to go!! 100K!!
My favorite author is Debbie Macomber---reading Twenty Wishes right now.
Linda Peterson
Currently my favorite author is CS Lewis. His non-fiction (as well as his fiction) books are wonderful.
Congrats on your successful blog--I always enjoy checking in on it. Right now I am reading a book called Praying God's Promises for Busy People by Len Woods and our church stamping group is using The Poems and Prayers of Helen Steiner Rice as a devotional reading before we stamp.
Congrat on 100K. Reading is one of my favorite things to do. I'm reading short stories right now. I like Nora Roberts/JD Robb. I get romance and murder in one author. I love your card designs and blog. Thanks for sharing. Peggy
Con-Grats!!!! My favorite magazine is Paper Crafts. Also Take Ten... endless inspiration!! Love your blog with all the beautiful cards you make... you rock! Michelle :)
Hi - Congratulations. My favorite contemporary writer is Jodi Picoult. I haven't had much time to read. Thanks, Nancy P.
congrats on the hits. Fern Michaels, Nora Roberts....
Wow congrats on all the author of choice these days is Stephanie Meyer--she wrote the Twilight Series, and has a new book The Host that just came out...she is awesome if you haven't read her stuff...get some now!! Thanks for the chance to play and win...sounds like great goodies! I love you card today...Such a cute Uncle Sam!
Wow! Congratulations! That is huge and so are the prizes!!!
Hmm...books (my other addiction!) My favourite author for a while has been Nora Roberts, in non fiction I am reading a book called "To Engineer is Human." Really well written. Hmmm...there are others but having moment of brain freeze at the moment!
Thanks for the blog candy offer. I just finished "Mistaken Identity"- a true story. It was just riveting! I read it in a day and a half! I have "Eat, Pray, Love" waiting on hold for me at the library-will get it tomorrow. Thanks, Peggy
WOW! Congratulations! My favorite author is Nora Roberts. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hi Amy, I'm fairly new to your blog but am addicted. Your work is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations on the 100k hits. I actually hope to place an order for Verve stamps. They look awesome. As far as what I like to read, when I have the chance, I like to read Family Fun magazine. I love all of the craft/recipe ideas.
Here's to another 100k!!
yay! Congrats on the hits! I'm a fan of Michael Connelly. Hes a family friend and a few members of my family have been characters in his books! Very fun reading.. good writer! ENJOY!
Thank you so much for giving us all this chance of winning!
-Sarah Bolton
WAY TO GO - AMY!!! CONGRATS on your 100,000 hits!!! You already know that I'm a fan of yours and yes,yes, yes - you have soooo much talent that's for sure!!!
Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to win this generous candy!!! I hope I'm the lucky one -LOL!!!
Here is my favorite author - John Grisham!!! I have all of his awesome books!!!
Have a wonderful Memorial weekend!!! Hugs ~Silke~
Congratulations on your hits!!!!
My favorite author is Victoria Holt!
You are very generous with your blog candy..Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing!
Wow..I just found your blog today. I love your work. My favorite author.....well, it is Richard Carlson of the Don't Sweat the Small Stuff series. Sadly, he passed away and I have read all of his books. So, I am on the search for a new favorite, but I haven't found one yet. Anyway, thanks a bunch for the chance to win some blog candy. You rock!
Heidi Abel
Just found your blog through (Mother's Little Helper) and signed up right away for e-mail updates. You have some great stuff on your blog.
One of my favorite authors is, Terry Brooks who writes very interesting Sci-Fi/Fantasy Novels.
I don't know if he is considered contemporary or not, but my favorite author is Michael Crichton. I have yet to read a book by him that I don't like. And so many of them are made into great movies! AND he is the creator of ER, my favorite tv show. The man is a genius...
Congrats on all the hits Amy! I know I have you in my reader so I can keep up with all your new stuff! I love to read, reading and stamping are the two ways I spend my non-mommy, non-wife, non-everythingelse time. Some of my favorite authors are Janet Evanovich, Tami Hoag, and John Sanford {although there are about two dozen others on the list too, LOL}.
I have read every Dean Koontz book..I know... that is kind of weird!!
Absolutely love your cards. I got here via Marti.
My current favorite book is an Alan Alda non-fiction: "Things I Learned While Talking To Myself". It's absolutely WONDERFUL and reads so easily as if he was sitting in the room telling you his stories.
Congrats on 100K, read your blog every day! I was an avid reader before I had children, but occasionally I pick up a Nicolas Sparks or John Grisham novel.
This is my first time on your blog and I can't believe how amazingly talented you are!
As for a book . . . THE FRIDAY NIGHT KNITTING CLUB by Kate Jacobs ~ it had me chuckling and sobbing, but most importantly, it made me look at my life from a new perspective.
I can't wait to see more of what you do!
Thanks for such a great blog.
As for my favourite author ... it would have to be TARA MOSS (a model turned author). Tara lives in Australia and writes great thrillers. Perhaps my fav would be FETISH.
My favourite author is Elizabeth George, who writes brilliantly about the exploits of Inspector Lynley of Scotland Yard.
Your blog is terrific...keep up the good work!
Congratulations on all the hits. It's not surprising because your creations are lovely to look at.
My favourite contemporary author is hard to pick. I love fantasy novels, particularly Raymond E Feist, but also Fiona McIntosh and Trudi Canavan.
Wow, Congratulations!! Your blog is so full of inspiration, thank you for sharing with us!
I am an avid reader, and usually read a book every day or two...just finished reading Hide by Lisa Gardner, but some of my favorite authors are: Jeffrey Deaver, Ann Rule, Stephen King, Dean Koontz. I also have a penchant for any True Crime stories.
Thank you for the opportunity!! Have a wonderful day and keep on blogging! lol
Kim Prince
Wow! That's a LOT of hits! Maybe someday I'll try to follow in your footsteps... but not today! :D
Mmmm, favorite writer, huh? Just ONE? Oh, I don't know that I could pick just one. Really depends on the mood, doesn't it? Oh, all right, Anne Bishop is one of my top writers ever - fantasy, a little dark, very unexpected - I go back and read her books over and over again.
My favorite non-stamping blog to read is Crystal's ( ) but if you're going to visit, be aware that you don't really want to start with the crazy chronicles. They're, umm, deep and rather depressing - but having followed her blog for so long makes me love her anyway. She has a GREAT sense of humor.... I would suggest starting with this post:
Wow! 100,000 hits is so cool! I don't get to read as much as I would like (3 kids, 3 schools, too much volunteering!), so I am not up to speed on current authors. I will say JK Rowling...I adored her Harry Potter series, and I adored playing tag team with all 3 of my kids to get through book #7.
Super congrats girl, but I am not surprised! Afterall, you have an awesome site. keep up all the awesome work. I love getting my weight watcher magazines in the mail as well as my Reader Digest Fiction collections. The hard covered books with 4 novels in them. My favorite author is Mary Higgens Clark, she also has several of her books that have been made into movies found on the Womans channel
Congrats on the blog hits. What a milestone.
I currently an reading J D Robb, aka Nora Roberts. I wasn't going to read these books because they all had death in the title. But after reading one I was hooked, I'm up to book #22 with some more to go. Oh, and the death part, the main character is a murder detective.
Hi Amy! Congrats on your 100k hits! You are such an inspiration for the masses. Your creativity rocks!
You asked about my favorite author. If you don't know Janet Evanovich, you need to! Her Stephanie Plumb novels are so funny. Check her out!
Congrats Amy- you are so deserving of the phenomenal response you get to your blog. We are just as thankful for your talent!!
I love to read but can't say I have a favorite author- I love to go to the library and randomly select 5 or 6 books, some from recognized authors, others are not. It is always fun to discover new talent (whether it be stamping or writing) and just enjoy it for a while!
The most recent novel I've read was by John Grisham (whom I took a break from for a while) and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Stephen King is my fave.
Congrats on your big milestone! I enjoy coming to your blog.
My favorite writer has to be Jodi Picoult. She's extraordinary! I also really enjoyed the book, "PS, I Love You" by Ceceila Ahern. I read it several years ago before the movie came out.
Well, I will read just about anything. I like Karen Kingsbury, Frank Paretti, and Lillian Jackson Braun. Lately I am re-reading the Narnia series.
Congrats on 100k. I have really enjoyed your work!
Amy- Congrats on so many hits! You are so talented, I love your creations! I don't have a favorite author at the moment. I do belong to 2 book clubs, however, and that is the best way to read stuff you wouldn't normally pick up! We just finished reading "Candy Girl" by Diablo Cody. Very, um, interesting. . .everything you ever wanted to know (and more) about the life of a stripper!! I must say it was a good discussion though!
Thanks for the awesome blog candy opportunity!
I just started looking at your blog and I love it! I came across this giveaway today. However I don't have a way to leave a link to my blob because I don't have one. But I will leave my email in my comment:
My favorite book/mag is Better hHomes and Garden and Emma by Jane Austin. I love all Jane Austin's novels!!
Congrat on all the hits!!!I'm not much of a reader anymore...I just like to look at the newest lines of cookbooks, Thanks Kathy Hering...
Congrats on your hit counter. I'm new to your blog and just want to let you know that I get much inspiration -- and enjoyment -- from it. As for my favorite author, I'm reading a lot of Jodi Picoult these days. I loved Nineteen Minutes and Salem Falls.
Congrats on the success of your blog! My favorite author would have to be Janet Evanovich. I seriously laugh out loud when I read her books!
My favorite author is Pat Conroy. One of his best known novels is "Prince of Tides". He tells stories with such honesty that you know he has experienced much of what he writes.
Thanks for offering the wonderful blog candy.
Congrats on the hits. I was glad to find Marti's link to you.
I don't have time to read much, but I enjoy historical books & really enjoy David McCullough's ones about the revolutionary war & the founding fathers.
Thank you for sharing your creativity with us. Congrats on your BIG number! I like reading fiction. A Version of the Truth by Jennifer Kaufman is a fun book. I read lots of magazines, my faves are Creating Keepsakes and Self. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I win all the AWESOME goodies.
Thanks for sharing your talent on your blog and congrats on 100khits.
My favorite author is Dorothea Benton Frank. I just finished her latest novel...Bulls Island. great read!
Susie H
Congratulations Amy on your 100,000 hits!!! I love your blog and you are big inspiration to me.
Thanks so much for the chance to win.
God bless
Wow!! Congrats on the BIG hits!! Your site is one of the best and one I love to visit every time you update!! Reading your blog is always a highlight of my blog hopping! My favorite author is Karen Kingsbury - waiting on her next release though! Your blog candy is awesome - I love the set Daily Bread!! Congrats again to you for this big milestone!!
I love this blog! My favorite fiction writer is James Patterson.
I would love to know what kind of paper you used on this card, it's wonderful!
Thanks for sharing your creations with us! They truly inspire all of us to do better on our cards!
Wow Congrats on a great blog, I visit often! I love to read! I read everything! I am currently reading the abortionist daughter!
Wow Congrats on 100k hits!!! Your blog truly ROCKS and your cards are just AWESOME!!! :D I love visiting your blog everyday for inspiration!!! My favorite author is Emily Giffin and I just finished reading her latest book "Love the One You're With". I have read all her books and will patiently wait till the next one comes out! Congrats again!!! :D
Congratulations on your milestone! Your stuff is absolutely beautiful! Although I am not much of reader myself I find that I get caught up reading my 13-yo daughter's assigned literature which I read with her to help her conprehend the material. The last book "we" read was Stones of Abraxas by K. Osborn Sullivan. Thanks for the chance to win!
Congrats on the hits. Love visiting your blog daily for all the inspiration. You have great talent. I am not a reader, just the Bible (my favoirte book). Thanks for a chance to win.
JoAnn B.
Wow~ 100,000 is a lot of hits! Congrats, girl! Personally, I love Francine Rivers. Anything she writes, I read! And there is a new outlet store about an hour from my house that has ALL of the Christian authors you can imagine. And ALL of the books in the entire store are $5. I have to stop back by there soon! Luckily it's not any closer than it is!
My favorite author is Elizabeth George..she's English and writes mystery novels, several of which have been made into TV movies..
Congrats on your blogging success. You are a constant source of inspiration.
My favorite author is Jodi Picoult. I'm in the store the minute she has a new book out (and once I started reading her books, I went back and read a lot of her older works.)
My very favorite author is Jodi Picoult. I'm always fascinated by her books.
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