Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mail

I've been really busy with projects for two upcoming releases this week. I got a little mixed up on some deadlines, so I'm working at a feverish pace to get caught up. Verve Visual is releasing four new sets on Friday. Sneak peeks began today on the Verve blog, and will continue tomorrow and Thursday. Be sure to head over there each day -- goodies await! Our Daily Bread Designs is releasing two new sets on Thursday. I'll have projects to show over the next few days, but until then, if I can't show you something I created, I'll show you some things other stampers have made for me.

As a card-maker, don't you especially love getting handmade cards in the mail? It's kind of like going out to eat. Even if you enjoy cooking, it's so nice to be spoiled by someone else's cooking. Here are just two (for now) of many wonderful RAKs I've received recently:

This one is from my online friend, Jennifer Meyer. She is a wonderful, sweet person that I "met" on SCS. Check out her blog, Jennifer's Sweet Designs. And if you frequent SCS, you'll recognize her as this week's Featured Stamper. Way to go, Jennifer!!

This Mother's Day card is from my upline, Sue Hyer. She is amazing, and I'm so proud to be in her group. Sometimes if I'm lucky, I'll get one of the many cards she sends to her group for top three in sales each month, but this Mother's Day card came as a complete surprise! Thank you Sue! Be sure to check out Inky Images, the blog of this six-time trip earner (or is it seven? eight? you kinda lose count after a while, lol!).

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Beautiful RAK's, good luck with your deadlines!!

  2. Beautiful RAKs, I so know what you mean about receiving them. Very special :o)

  3. LOVE the cards Amy, you are super sweet to post them!

    Hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day!

    Jennifer :)

    PS Can't wait to see you NEW designs with the NEW sets. :)


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