Monday, September 17, 2012

With Gratitude - Fanspiration Diva Dare

Good morning, friends, I invite you to join me over on the Verve blog today, where I'm taking my turn with this month's Fanspiration Diva Dare. 

This month, we "dare" you to show us your new creations inspired by projects made by Verve fans!  You can pick any little Verve project to inspire you, as long as it is not by one of our design team members (or yourself!) {grin}. To get your wheels a turnin', the Divas will be posting their Fanspiration creations using our newly released products each weekday on the Verve blog!

Two chances to win some Verve prizes:
1) take the dare (i.e. play along); 
and 2) leave comments on the Diva Dare posts over on the Verve blog.

My card was inspired by this lovely creation by Kerri Michaud. More card info, as well as full challenge details, are on the Verve blog.


  1. Lovin this card. The little banner flags are perfect with the big sideways banner going the other way!

  2. I absolutely adore this card! Love the country fall feel to it. Just beautiful!

  3. I love the little banners and the sweet bird!


Thank you for taking the time to post a comment. I love hearing from you!