Friday, September 30, 2011

SSD Winner and A Fun Announcement!

Hello, my friends, two quick announcements this morning ...

First, I'm so honored to be the Fascinating Fridays featured artist over at Paperie Designs' Studio today! Head over there for more details! A huge thank you to Noor and Tammy for the feature!

Second, has determined a winner for my Skipping Stones Design giveaway ...

Heidi at Heidi's Happenings, congrats!! Please email me with your mailing address and I'll get Funny Bras, Volume #2 sent out right away!

Hope to be back in a little while with a card to share!


  1. Congrats, Heidi!! And Congrats, Amy :)

  2. Congrats to Heidi and Amy it was our pleasure to feature such a talented artist! Thanks for inspiring!

  3. Amy, you thrilled everyone at my blog!!!! Thanks for participating :)


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