Thursday, October 28, 2010

Verve New Release Spotlight: Glad Tidings

Greetings on this fourth day of Verve New Release Spotlights! Hope you've enjoyed the Divas' eye candy so far this week and that you've marked your calendar for tomorrow night's Release Party. The fun all starts at 9 pm over in the Verve Forum on Splitcoast!

Today, the Divas are spotlighting the largest set from this release - Glad Tidings. It's a beauty, I can promise you! I chose to focus on the tag image in this set, which has the same tapered shape as the Sweet Scallop Tag we spotlighted yesterday. The "Jingle Bells" sentiment is from the Holiday Phrases mini set, which was previewed on Monday.

I can envision this set working well with all sorts of styles; for today, I opted for a layered and embellished, shabby, vintage look. The cluster at the top of the tag is made up of a ribbon loop, Webster's Pages gold-accented netting, burlap string, and rusted jingle bells (they really jingle, too!). I saw similar rusted bells on Hilary Hanwischer's blog last year and loved the look. (I purchased mine from Craft Catalog.) Elsewhere on the card, I've added some hand-stitching, punched and die-cut borders, glittery snowflake accents, a Maya Road kraft envelope, and a distress inked doily. In the corners and along the edges, I added some Martha Stewart snow glitter, a look that was inspired by some recent glittered beauties by Melissa Phillips. Along the top and bottom of the blue snowflake patterned paper panel, you'll see punched borders. They are strips that have been punched with the Martha Stewart Quilted Edge border punch, then nudged behind the blue snowflake panel such that only a small portion of the full punch design shows. It looks like a whole new punch this way!

Have a closer look (you still don't see the glitter on the punched snowflakes, though):

Here's the official link list of today's spotlight hops.
Happy hopping!

1. Amy 8. Tosh
2. Jackie 9. Sankari
3. Mercy 10. Teresa
4. Michelle 11. Jen T.
5. Lynda 12. Andrea
6. Charmaine 13. Amber
7. Laurie 14. Julee

Be sure to leave some comments along the way
for a chance to win! Have fun!

Thanks for visiting!

Stamps: Glad Tidings, Holiday Phrases
Paper: Papertrey Vintage Cream and Fine Linen card stock, Webster's Pages Waiting For Santa Petite Papers
Ink: Ranger Forest Moss, Old Paper, Brushed Corduroy and Walnut Stain Distress Inks
Accessories: Verve Sweet Scallop Tag die; Maya Road kraft envelope; Martha Stewart quilted border punch, snowflake punch, and snow glitter; Ranger Frosted Lace Stickles; Papertrey buttons, double-stitched ribbon, and eyelet lace border die; May Arts natural burlap string; Wilton doily; Webster's Pages netting; needle and thread; 13mm rusted jingle bells (Craft Catalog)

Size: 6" x 4 1/4" (a little wider than standard A2 to accommodate the Maya Road Kraft envelope)


  1. Wowsers! I'm in awe. What detail. Real little jingle bells?? Are you serious? Gorgeous!!!

  2. WOW Amy, that is some gorgeous!! Love the mixture and shabby and sparkle. Wonderful card!
    Beth Greco

  3. Oh my god! This is absolutely BRILLIANT! i love it! I wish i could just grab it and run away! :D

  4. Ooo, amazing, Amy! I really love your tag element and the gorgeous edge die! Fabulous colors and distressing, and EVERYTHING!

  5. Wow, this is beautiful! Love the soft, vintage-y feel of it!

  6. absolutely gorgeous! I love the color and the soft warm look.

  7. Just beautiful! This collection from Verve looks like a great one.

  8. This is an AMAZING card, Amy! It has so many gorgeous elements that work together so well. I can't wait to see the snowflakes in this set!

  9. Wow, that card is so beautiful. Just love this set. Thanks for sharing.

  10. This is wonderful! I love the shabby chic look, and that tag looks super cool. Beautiful card Amy!

  11. Lovely colors on this card. It's very very pretty.

  12. So much to take in, you can't stop looking.

  13. Gorgeous! I like the vintage look and those jingle bells!

  14. Love the vintage feel to this!!!

  15. Gorgeous, gorgeous! Love the glitter!

  16. Ohhhhh, Amy....I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this card!!! It's so 'dainty' and makes this mid-80 degree West Texas weather!!! Thanks for the continued INSPIRATION!!! You rock!

  17. Love all the details. Beautiful!

  18. This card is just adorable! I love the sentiment and this tag is even more beautiful than the one I saw yesterday!

  19. This is amazing Amy!!! I love the soft colors and that tag is darling!! Thanks so much for all the hard work this week!

  20. Grogeous as usual! Love the vintage look and all your much work goes into your cards!

  21. what's not to love about this card!! everything works together so beautifully- love the tulle and the distressing and those cute snowflakes are just perfect :)

  22. Wow! First stop on the blog hop and I'm blown away! This set is already sold! LOL! Love everything about it - the colors, the vintage, shabby style, the awesome ribbon/bells cluster...fabulous design!

  23. LOOOVE your card - the lace and snowflakes are so lovely on it! Can't wait to see this set revealed.

  24. I always love your shabby chic cards, and this one is no exception. Fantastic!

  25. Such a soft, elegant, antique looking vintage card Amy. Very pretty.

  26. Oh my gosh Amy, this is just stunning! Every single detail is so perfect!

  27. WOW is this stunning. I just adore that tag

  28. I'm loving the vintage Christmas cards today. Soooo pretty. tfs.

  29. Love the soft shabby look of this card and the doiley.

  30. Your Vintage card is beautiful as always just filled with beautiful details. I look forward to your blog every day.

  31. I am really lovin' the Verve products and I haven't got a one!! It's time - really. I love the paper doily! It really enhances the snowflakes. And boy do I love, love the rusted jingle bells. Nice job Amy! ;)

  32. What a gorgeously embellished piece of art! Love it!

  33. This is one SERIOUSLY gorgeous card! A color palette so pleasing to the eye and with such wonderful adornments that all come together perfectly to make an amazing work of art. Now I know why I've been following your blog for YEARS. (Well, I've always known but that sounded cool :)

  34. Wow! Seriously gorgeous card! Love the vintage, shabby look that you've got mastered with this card. Those bells are too sweet!

  35. Love the buttoned snowflakes and the fabulous mix of things on this card. Wonderfully vintage feel to the card.

  36. Beautiful card! Love the bells!

  37. Wow, what a way to start the hop today! This just took my breath away! I love this so much!

  38. WOW!!!! Spectacular card! I'm nearly speechless :)

  39. Oooooh...Ahhhhhh...

    the details in this card are just amazing! it would have taken me a whole DAY just to put this together! Fabulous!

  40. Love this card, Amy - it's just so vintage and beautiful! Great job!
    Kris, Wadsworth, OH

  41. What do I care that you've already had great response to this card...I can't help myself but to send one more! This is beautiful. Amy, your design is on point! Luv it!

  42. Gorgeous card! I love all the details and all the glittered edges. Might have to try that sometime.

  43. Oooh, another vintage beauty! Superfantastic!

  44. Outstanding artwork w/wowzer details!!

  45. This is stunning! And I am so happy to have found your blog.

  46. LOVE the vintage charm of this card...its lovely!!
    xoxo Joy

  47. Gorgeous. So much detail here. I love the jingle bells. Fun idea to add the buttons to the snowflakes. Beautiful tag.

  48. I love how warm this feels! Great card!

  49. Awesome card, love all the detail.

  50. This week just keeps getting better and better. Love the colors and the card

  51. Beautiful card, Amy. Love the colors and the detils... including,of course, the jingle bells.

  52. So detailed, lacy, and vintage. Exquisite!

  53. So incredibly gorgeous! I love all the vintage touches, and especially that row of glitter along the top!

  54. This is amazing! You do shabby vintage very well. Beautiful!

  55. This is such an absolutely beautiful card! Once again, I'm so glad you inspired me to buy the Quilted punch! You've given so much inspiration for it.

  56. Absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait for the release party. :D

  57. Amy you have outdone yourself on this one....all the little details you put into this card are fabulous especially the bells.

  58. Amy,
    What a lovely, elegant project! Anyone would be so touched to receive such a treasure.

    Becky T

  59. love this vintage look and those jingle bells are the cutest!!

  60. OOOH! This is just gorgeous! I love it!

  61. Gorgeous card! Love all the details, especially the tag & ribbon:)

  62. Very pretty. So many details making this one devine!

  63. This is beautiful!! Love the shabby look!

  64. ***THUD*** Holy Moly Amy - this one totally took my breath away!!!! Stunning in every way possible!!!!

  65. Oh my this is lovely! The bells are perfect and I love the vintage feel!

  66. Love the elegance of this card Amy and those jingle bells, oh my, they are........well, perfect!!

  67. Wow! So many comments already but I just had to add another one! This card is absolutely gorgeous! I love everything about it. The way the different embellishments all flow nicely together, the color scheme, the elegance of it and just the overall look! HOW DO YOU DO IT! It's wonderful!

  68. Absolutely stunning, Amy! I love the vintage feel to your card creation - just lovely!

  69. this is yet another absolutely stunning card! love the gorgeous tag, the snowflakes, the distressing and stitching! amazing sneak peek, amy!

  70. Love the distressing and antique feel of your card.

  71. Love love love this card. I really like the color combo. All the detail on this card makes it a must havwe. TFS

  72. This is gorgeous!! I love the papers you used, and all the amazing layers you have added to the card!! ♥♥♥

  73. Gorgeous...sensory overload...just much to see and take in!!!!

  74. Oh wow! This is just amazing! How do you keep coming back w/ such gorgeous creations?!

  75. Amy just beautiful as always! Love it!

  76. Wow, what a gorgeous card. I love everything about it. Thanks so much for sharing.

  77. Oh Wow, it is a beauty, love everything about it!!!

  78. Wow, so soft and pretty! Makes me think vintage Christmas! So inspiring!

  79. Love this! So vintage and doily! Is that a design? Doily? LOL! Love it I do!


Thank you for taking the time to post a comment. I love hearing from you!