Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A First and A Last

It was a big day in the Sheffer house yesterday - my youngest started preschool! An exciting first for him, and a bittersweet last for mom. He's my baby, and now he's already in school! They grow up far too fast, and on some days that's more evident than on others. Of course, I was a Nervous Nellie the whole time he was gone, but he had a great day, and I wish every single one of you could have seen the strut in his step at pick-up time. This kid was seriously full of himself! It took most of the afternoon to get him back down to earth, and I enjoyed every last second sharing in his pride.

Here's my little guy getting ready to leave for school. Not a great picture, but the look on his face is priceless.

Congratulations, Gabriel!

I've been working on a few different projects, but nothing is ready to share yet. Hopefully tomorrow, but definitely Friday, when I'll have a fun Penny Black project or two (or three?). If you haven't been following along with Penny Black Week at Stamper's Dream, here are some catch-up links:

Monday: Denise, Michelle, and me
Yesterday: Becca, Michelle, and Tosh
Today: Laurie, Denise, and Michelle

Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. Oh my goodness, what a sweet SWEET face! Gabriel is just precious!

  2. Oh isn't he just the cutest!!!! I can imagine how weird it must be seeing your youngest go to school. My middle one will be starting prep (your preschool) in January and that is going to be weird enough!! I am so glad that he enjoyed it and settled in so well!! :)

  3. What an absolutely precious photo Amy!! What an angel!! So glad he enjoyed his first day, that will make it easier for mom to let him go the next time. :o)

  4. Oh my goodness, what a sweet boy! That little smile is priceless. Glad he had a good first day...and that Mom got through it okay, too! :)

  5. Oh Amy is he just the SWEETEST! What a cutie pie!

  6. Awww! We are going to look at apreschool for my 3 yr old tomorrow. She is the youngest of my 4 and I can't even imagine the day she goes to school. I hear ya! Your boy is SO SWEET!!!!

  7. He is beautiful, and I'm glad that his big day was a fun day! Jo x

  8. He is adorable Amy. I think my youngest was so happy to go to school because she could finally be like everyone else in the family! It just goes too fast!

  9. Gabriel is such an seems like just last year you were pregnant with him! Time flies.

  10. Hey Amy! What a sweetie...yes, time does go by fast..somthin bout those little sons we have..they never grow out of our hearts.. :)

  11. awwwwwww Amy... he's gotten so grown up!
    darn kids... they do that LOL
    thanks for posting the pic sweetie.

  12. Gabriel looks like a real happy chappie, must be Mom's genes.

  13. He is so cute! I love his curls. I'm glad it went well for both of you!

  14. Oh my, Amy, what a precious picture!! I loved this age with my kids -- they communicate with you (lots of why questions LOL), their little minds are exploding with all the things they are learning, a kiss will fix any booboo, they have bounds of love to give away and they still believe mommy can do no wrong :D They truly do grow up waaaay too quickly. I sometimes wish I could make time stand still. However each stage has it's own benefits and lots of wonderful memories for mothers to treasure in her hearts.

  15. Oh, I just can't stop smiling! He is sooooo cute! I was relieved when mine stopped wearing diapers earlier this year...yet sad that he's not a baby anymore either. Sigh. Enjoy every moment!

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  18. 最近普通のプレイに物足りなさを感じているそこのアナタ、ワンランク上のプレイをしてみませんか?そんな時の目安にSM度チェッカーを使うんです。自分の深層心理を暴きパートナーとのプレイ時のアドバイスも付きますよ!!一度どうですか


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